Happy Birthday E. & I.

At first the set-up looked like a bed and the two of you refused to approach for fear you'd be forced to go "la-la." But then the photographer showed you that it was really a drum and you were both all into that. Eva, you are going to be America's Next Top Model because once the camera came out, you would not stop posing. In fact, we had a hard time getting you to step down from the "drum" so your brother could have his turn alone.
Isaac, once you got comfortable you had no interest in the picture taking process and great interest in finding out what was behind every door and curtain in all of Sears. Grandma Diane spent a lot of time running after you, proving that however much money she spends on Jazzercize, it is a wise investment. At one point, you slammed your finger in a door and at another point I was trying to pick you up but you fought me so hard that you banged your head hard on the floor. Of course, the only person who could comfort you was your nanny, Jenny (who you call "Nenny" but who per Grandma Diane I am not allowed to call "Nenny" because that would be sabotaging your language development skills.)
Yesterday, both of you stopped by to visit me near your house where several of my friends and I were having lunch. The whole time you were there I kept asking you how old you were going to be tomorrow and neither of you would answer. You did, however, have a great time splashing water from a fountain all over yourselves and my friend's backyard. When you left, I walked you to the car and your mama and I strapped you into your car seats. I asked you one more time, "How old are you going to be when I next see you?" and you both simultaneously raised your little fingers and said "two."
Isaac, you have been trying very hard to communicate in what I call "secret twin language" or what could possibly be some obscure Chinese dialect. It breaks my heart a little because you speak so emphatically and there are lots of wild hand gestures involved. You must be trying to tell us something very, very important like who shot JFK or the identity of Deep Throat. Don't worry, we already know!
I have so much more to say about how good natured, affectionate and sweet you both are, how you love books and being read to which is a requirement if you want to be related to me and how, for the most part, you act properly excited whenever you see me, but your birthday party is in a few hours and I am in charge of getting the fruit so I must go. Happy birthday, E. and I., I love you!