The Mutilation Ceremony
Can you believe it? Only one out of the fifty some odd people there noticed my new Paul Smith spectacles. I wish I had pictures (of the ceremony, not the glasses) but my camera would not work and I am waiting for kruthless' husband to download his vast collection of pictures. It's like that commercial. You know, the one where the kids are trapped in the camera.
We did not run out of food so my dad did not have to wring my neck. I did tell the Israeli guy we ordered the food from that my dad was worried. His response was to repeatedly look up to the heavens and say "Baruch ha shem (bless the Lord), in my fifteen years in this business, I have never once had a customer call me to complain that there wasn't enough food. Too much food? Yes. Not enough? Never. (Look to heavens) Baruch ha shem." kruthless had gone a little emotional when I discussed the menu with her because she thought it sounded too much like breakfast food at lunch time. I tried to cancel the blintzes but the Israeli guy we ordered the food from told me "They will love the blintzes. You can not cancel." If there is one thing I have learned in my long years on this planet it is that you should not even try to argue with an Israeli guy. And the blintzes were a big hit.
I made a great tactical error. I went to see little Isaac right before the ceremony. There he was, lying in his bassinet looking all sweet and trusting like a total little monkey in a dressing gown that was open at the bottom. It was the dressing gown with the easy access that got to me. I went out front to weep because I thought the arriving guests would appreciate being slobbered on as they walked through the door. I eventually staked out a place - not in the closet - but behind several rows of people where I could hide and not see or be seen.
But then I was called back into the bedroom and given the honor of carrying little Eva in for her naming. They wanted to have her make a grand entrance after the mutilation ceremony so I stayed back in the hallway with her. Apparently they got Isaac all liquored up on kosher wine and he did not even cry. As I was waiting in the hallway with Eva, she got the hiccups and was making this funny little squeaky noise.
The most traumatic part of the day happened as we were cleaning up. Someone piled some bowls and platters way too high and lopsided on the edge of the counter and they toppled over, spraying broken pieces and possibly scraping kruthless' mother-in-law. Also, the food came on these sweet platters which I showed kruthless who said they would be perfect for Thanksgiving. My mom, who did not know about the broken dishes, could not figure out where to store them so instead just started giving them away to the guests.