The Hotel
I'm not going to say exactly where I am but some people call it the happiest place on earth. And I arrive at this happiest of places at 9:30 in the morning and get into the long, long check in line and they tell me that my room will not be ready until 3:00 or so. This is to be expected. But then at around 1:00 the other people at my conference go to check in and they get their room. So I ask about my room again and it is still not ready. Those people who tell you that the early bird catches the worm are so lying. More injustices!
At 5:00 I wait in another long, long line and finally get my room. I get to my door of my room and standing in front of the door of my room are a woman and her small child. We compare room portfolios and find we have both been assigned the same room. The woman kindly offers to go back downstairs and get her room changed as I am laden down with my duffel bag and suitcase and purse and stuff.
I settle into my room briefly and then go out for a long leisurely dinner and then some shopping. I get back to my room a little after 9:00 and the key card will not work. So I go downstairs to the lobby and ask to speak to the manager immediately. And a long time after immediately the manager finally comes to speak to me. I tell him about the assignment of my room to more than one person. "That is a bad, bad mistake," I tell him. "A really bad mistake." In fact, even as I am sitting here typing this, I am thinking that in my whole life this has not once happened to me and if it has ever happened to anyone I know, I have not heard about it. It is a mistake that just should not happen.
So this is what he says to me here at the happiest place in the world after explaining that basically they had turned off my key card when the woman came down to change her room...."There's no way we can ever find out why two people were assigned the same room. I could go on and on and give you all the boring details about hotel operations but I'm sure you're really tired and so I'm just going to fix the problem. "
I could go into a whole long tirade but it is late and I am tired so let us just say I can not wait to fill in my customer satisfaction card.