All Pam All The Time
I go months and months without seeing or talking to Pam. I don't know why she's suddenly the star of the blog but, oh well, you gotta go with what you've got. So, after the Lucky Tiki post where I mention that Pam and I were talking to some guys at the bar, Stephanie sent me an e-mail wanting to know why, when I go out with Pam, we end up talking to guys but when I go out with her we end up hanging out with lesbians. She was referring to a couple of weeks ago when we went to Casa Vega and ended up running into an old friend and her partner and their baby and they were meeting up with a gazillion of their friends and their babies and so it was a gazillion lesbians with their babies night at Casa Vega.
Casa Vega has been around forever and it goes in and out of being popular. Right now it has become VERY trendy again. So, Pam and I go there last night. And the first person we see is Jared Padalecki who plays/played Dean or as Pamie (a different Pam) of Television Without Pity calls him CuteDean on "The Gilmore Girls." Now I stopped thinking he was CuteDean after he slept with Rory while married to Lindsey and then started being a total jerk. But, let me tell you, in person? He is CuteJared. He's really tall and his date was really short. Or maybe she wasn't really short but because he's so tall she looked short.
So it's really crowded at Casa Vega with a 45 minute wait and it's two deep at the bar. Pam and I order our drinks and are standing behind this couple - the woman was sitting at the bar and the man was standing behind her. The couple's buzzer thingy that the restaurant gives you went off and Pam turns to the man and says, "Can we take your seat, Rod?" The jaws of both me and Rod's wife drop because Pam has not given any sign heretofore that she knows this guy.
Rod: You know me?
Pam: Of course, you're Rod McCary. I love your work.
Rod: I can't believe you recognize me. What's your name?
Pam: Pam
Rod (looking at me): You have no idea who I am, right? So I don't need to know your name.
Me: Right. I have no idea who you are but I'm sure she'll fill me in.
Rod (back to Pam): Pam, I just can't believe you recognized me. You've made my night.
Pam: Well, you work a lot. Your resume must be at least three pages long. (my favorite line of the night.)
At this point, Rod has paid his bill and leaves. But not before fawning over Pam some more. The above dialogue really does not reflect how much he loved Pam. In fact, we were both surprised that he didn't buy her a drink or dinner or a car by how much he was acting like her loved her.
We had talked briefly to the guy sitting next to Rod's wife who was a totally cute African American guy who we knew was someone (Pam is much better recognizing the older minor celebrities). He had told us he was there for the night so don't even think about getting his place at the bar but, when Rod got up to leave, so did he and he said his seat was for me. "But don't get too excited," he said. "Sitting in this seat is a totally overrated experience."
After talking to more cute young guy and gal celebs, Pam and I were called to our table where we were seated next to these two gorgeous young women who, again, we knew were someone but not sure who. Rod and his wife were a few tables down and, on their way out, bowed down to Pam some more. So the women next to us asked who he was and then Pam started pulling out her picture of Brad Pitt and telling them about Al Pacino and asked them who they were but they played like they were no ones. "Well you should be someone," Pam told them. "If I were still an agent, I would sign you up."
And then the biggest sighting of the night. We were leaving through the bar area and Pam pointed out a guy who was wearing a jacket from the company I work for. I look over at the group she is pointing to and there stands my absolutely fabulous real estate business partner, Helen. She was there with her husband (the guy in the jacket) and what looked to be her former sorority sisters. I made Pam pull out the Brad Pitt picture and I swear she almost did not get it back. Do not give your pictures of Brad Pitt to former sorority girls.
And the evening does not even end here....
We go back to my house to meet Eric to go to a party. As we start hyperly describing the evening thus far to Eric, he delivers my second favorite line of the evening: "So, how much cocaine did they give you at the Mexican restaurant?" He actually repeats this line several times during the evening.
And we were off to Ron and Kathy's 21st wedding anniversary party. Many, many, many years ago Ron, Kathy, Pam, and I worked together at a magazine. That's how we all met. Ron was actually married to Mary Sue (who we called Mary Screw) and who was our boss. Yeah, she was even her husband's boss but, hey, it was a start-up, it was the 80's, we were young, what can I say? Kathy and Ron fell in love in front of all our eyes and I know it sounds terrible because he was married to Mary Screw and it was quite awkward and uncomfortable but, really, Mary Screw was a horribly mean person and Ron is the sweetest guy. It was really weird that they were married. Anyway, 21 years and Ron and Kathy are still together so it was obviously meant to be.
It was great to be celebrating their anniversary because Pam and I had been at their wedding. A few years ago they started a cocktail jazz band and had all their equipment set up in the living room. They were playing as we walked in. Kathy has such a beautiful voice. Eric, Pam, and I were sitting by the food table.
Pam (looking under the table): Oh, are you sleeping under there?
Me: Is that their cat?
Pam: No, it's a kid. What's your name?
Kid: Spencer
Pam: Spencer, what a great name. How old are you?
Spencer: Ten
Spencer comes out from under the table.
Spencer: Do you know what Interpol is?
Eric: Sure, it's a band from New York.
Spencer: No, it's not. It's an international spy organization.
Eric: No, it's a band from New York.
Me: You should listen to him, Spencer, he's very smart.
Spencer: Interpol is an international spy organization.
Me: Well, what's with Interpol anyway?
Spencer: I'm from Interpol.
Pam: What movie did you see with Interpol?
Me: Did you hear about Interpol on the internet?
Spencer: (Names some movie I never heard of and now forgot.)
As we left around midnight, Kathy was singing "Music to Watch Girls by" and Spencer shouted out "Interpol."